I'm a video title. Click to edit me.
Sometimes we overlook how beneficial our hands really are. This is just a short reminder to appreciate the simple things.
This video made for my AP Government class features an original Mumford and Sons cover written by Jessie and performed by Arika Matoba.
For a project in my AP Government class, we were assigned to run a political figure for president in year 2016. I chose to run Susan Rice and this is the documentary video to promote her (fictional) campaign.
Another AP Government assignment required me to capture a historical war in video format. I chose to reenact the Civil War. The story is a historical fiction featuring original characters and voice overs by Sean Wagemans, Arika Matoba, and Jessie Raetz.
Democracy Is...
I created this video to enter in the national "Democracy Is" Competition. The guidelines were to define democracy as YOU understand it. To me, democracy is colorful because we live in a nation defined by a melting pot of cultures and characters. I was recognized by the Fife School Board, local Fife Free Press newspaper and Komo 4 news for this video.
Lewis & Clark Embark
Susan Rice for President
Civil War
Walking On Sunshine
The Alzheimer's Association of Western/Central Washington recently recruited me to write, film, choreograph, and edit a promotional video in order to promote their annual walks. I was absolutely delighted to work with these amazing people. This organization is especially close to my heart as several of my family members have fought Alzheimer's disease. We had a blast filming this video and I hope as a result, many new people will be encouraged to join the walk to the cure.
Breaking Free
This video is symbolic of my journey from the city to the country. I entered it into Fife High School's annual film festival, Shulapalooza and received the Judge's Choice award. Starring Emily Rathburn.